Who is Jenny?

I am @jenngoldstone and on October 2nd, 2010 I ran and finished my first half marathon ever. I am now training for my 5th half marathon and raising money to find a cure for blood cancers. Welcome to my training blog and thanks for reading. Go Team!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Counting Down

Tick tock. Did 12 miles on Saturday and felt really tired, a little sick to my stomach but overall OK at the end. Very happy to be starting my taper. My long run this coming Saturday is only 8 miles. Never imagined 8 miles would be a relief for me.

I signed up for two more half marathons this year, the Disney Princess and NYC Half for which I am going to lead a TNT team. I am so excited to run the streets of my beloved city.

I have been relatively pain free lately other than normal soreness.

I am doing a Juice Till Dinner cleanse today and tomorrow. Yum and ahhh.... really makes me feel good!

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