Who is Jenny?

I am @jenngoldstone and on October 2nd, 2010 I ran and finished my first half marathon ever. I am now training for my 5th half marathon and raising money to find a cure for blood cancers. Welcome to my training blog and thanks for reading. Go Team!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thursday - still hot out

I am looking forward to my run today. I have recovered from Tuesday's crazy 99 degree jaunt and am back for more. I have been doing an Organic Avenue "5 days of Live.Organic.Vegan.Experience. Daily, fresh, ripe, raw-live, organic, vegan, consciously prepared sustenance…in the form of: juices, smoothies, soups, mylks, salads…" fast this week while Tom has been in London. It has been perfect for the weather as it is mostly cold soups, smoothies and juices and one small (tiny) salad-type meal. After July 4th's record run but also record wine consumption, it was time to juice my way back into detox mode and I was eager to try something other than the BluePrint Cleanse (which I still love and have several one day cleanses planned in the coming weeks, mostly post holiday re-sets.) The juices and foods are different everyday (other than the staple green juice.) I was super intimidated on the first day (Tuesday) which was the same day as my super hot run but I survived and am glad I stuck with it. 

That said, I cannot wait for my pinot noir on Saturday night. 

Will post post-run notes later!

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