Who is Jenny?

I am @jenngoldstone and on October 2nd, 2010 I ran and finished my first half marathon ever. I am now training for my 5th half marathon and raising money to find a cure for blood cancers. Welcome to my training blog and thanks for reading. Go Team!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Came across this on Livestrong.com

Six Stages of Change

According to University of Rhode Island researchers James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente, there are six stages of change: pre-contemplation is the mindset before you even think about making a change; contemplation is the stage in which you start to think about making a change; preparation is the stage during which you start to get ready for a change; action is when you are in the midst of changing; maintenance is remaining consistent with your new behaviors; and relapse (which people tend not to realize is one of the stages of change) is falling back on former behaviors.

Um, almost a "runner"?

So I got up in Chicago at 4 am and walked off the plane and into the office, worked until 3:30, picked Max up from camp, went home, napped for 45 minutes and then ran the longest, easiest run I have ever done.

I smiled and felt great, and could have gone longer but Monica, our nanny, needed to get home and I wanted to see more of the boys before bedtime.

The weather was cool, and completely void of humidity.

This is giving me huge hope for October and the feeling that I am becoming a runner. 

I just registered myself for a 4 mile race in a few weeks and Max for the fun run for kids. I hope to shed a little light for him on what mommy has been up to all these early mornings. I want him to try this lifestyle way earlier than I ended up doing it. I want him to see a healthy strong mommy as the norm, he is still young enough to forget my tired, overweight, cranky self and replace that person with who I am becoming, I hope.

STATS: 4.68 mi00:57, 12:04 pace

Monday, June 28, 2010

Weekend Re-cap

Saturday's run was my longest distance and was hard. TNT trains at 8:30 am and by then it was really  hot out. I was wearing my new fuel belt but with only two bottles of water and my new Garmin 450.

Lessons learned:
Fill all four bottles and freeze them overnight so that they can melt and be chilled for the run.
No coffee before my run
Going the extra mile was doable in part the the company of great teammates - we really pushed each other not to quit.

Sunday was a rest day. We walked a lot and were out doors but I did not run or lift, other than Charlie.

This morning, I re-enacted Saturday's run at an earlier hour, with more water and alone listening to tunes and brought my pace down nicely.

This past week I lost 4.5 lbs. I ate pretty much the same and attribute it to the calorie burning running for sure.

Friday, June 25, 2010

TNT Day Off

Used my TNT day off to do a pilates reformer session, I swear it is the perfect compliment to running. Core strength, some targeted upper body and the lower body work just makes my tired, tight muscles sing!

My Garmin 450 came last night but I did not get out to let the satellites find it yet. Looking forward to my long run tomorrow to wear it and see what it can do! Also, my fuel belt came. Bright red and so cute!

An aside, I spoke with my sister last night. She has been a runner for as long as I can remember and for a small window of time on the phone I felt like a runner too. So much of this is a state of mind and a game between me and my belief in what I am capable of doing. I sometimes feel if I can just get my mind to agree that I am a runner and I can do this, my body (with hard work) will follow right along.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Love this blog and today's guest column was amazing:


Carla Birnberg (MizFit) is an award winning author and fitness expert. A onetime personal trainer, she owned a boutique training studio, Head2Heel, in Chapel Hill, N.C. Carla attended Kenyon College (B.A. English Literature and the University of Pittsburgh (M.Ed./Counseling). Carla has competed in both bodybuilding and fitness including a third place finish in the 2001 NPC House of Pain bodybuilding show. She’s also the author/creator of the Twisted Tales serial for which she won an award for creativity from Cox Newspapers.

I love her tone, her humor, and her inspiring writing. Also, she went to college with some dear friends of ours, on a small world note. 

Running Solo

To make sure I did not give up, or pass out, I dumped all but my power songs from my ipod shuffle last night and loaded it up with new tunes including the 2010 World Cup Theme Waka Waka which I am obsessed with (like dancing in the elevator at work, obsessed) and it helped.

It was hot already when I left the house at 6:00 am. I had a ten ounce hand held fuel belt bottle.

I did my usual loop around the reservoir and then did a second. I have never done two loops and although it was a stretch, I did. Runnersworld.com tells me my pace was 12:15. About where I expected to be which is good with PLENTY of room for improvement.

STATS: 3.67 miles/44:55
Longest run to date.

I'll post my playlist later for those who are interested.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Runner's World QOTD

Believe deep down in your heart that you're destined to do great things. 

Joe Paterno, Head football coach of Penn State University 

The pain is temporary, the pride is forever.

Ouch, sitting on a bench in my subway stop waiting for the B/C to get to Core Fusion by 7 am, it occurs to me.
I am rather sore!

In minutes I'll have whole other sections of my body to complain about thanks to the crazy head to toe workout that this Exhale spa based class provides but for now my hip flexors are a mess mostly and my obliques are crying out a bit too (residual Miss Tracy Anderson, maybe?)

Tomorrow is my first TNT prescribed run without the support of a group practice - in other words - I will be accountable only to myself (oh, and of course, you all) and will be back to the solitary work (no new friends to chat the time away) of putting miles under my feet.

I'll have to google maps a course today (my runnersworld.com tracker has a nice tool for this) and set out around 6 am.

Any takers for an early 3 miles in Central Park tomorrow?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bad-ass moment

Today I ran the longest distance to date AND I ran in the pouring rain/thunderstorm/crazy person weather. I felt seriously hard core. Back home now, post hot shower and fed (quinoa, low fat goat cheese and cashews and vitamin water zero) I am seriously read for bed and very proud.

Today you guys got me to my $1,000  mini-goal. $2,000 to go!
I am deeply grateful for your support and am ready to go to sleep.

(and I'm a bad-ass, tee-hee)

STATS: 3.4 miles

Runners World QOTD

He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. 

Muhammad Ali 

TNT Group Training Tonight

Tonight's theme is "low arm swings."

I have never had someone look at my run for form and efficiency. I keep thinking about what a great chance this is to get better at the mechanics of running and wonder if perhaps I might like running more if I was doing it better.

I'll report back after our 7 pm practice.
Had to ask our nanny to stay late to cover while I train, let the goodwill commence.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tracy Anderson: I love/hate you!

It was not as hard as last time, granted last time I did this video I was healing from a c-section.

It was still hard.

Today my dear friends donated a total of $825 towards my $3,000 goal.

I am so honored to have such generous pals who understand how important this cause is and who support me with words and wisdom that way out values any amount of cash one might contribute.

Cross Training Day

No run today. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and plan on Tracy Anderson Method video after the kids are asleep. Last time I tried one of her videos was just after Charlie was born and I could barely complete it. Hoping to see progress on that front tonight (gulp.)

And away we go!

On the advice of a long time friend, TNT alum and serious runner, I am starting this blog to support my efforts towards running the 2010 Hamptons Half Marathon on 10/02/10 with Team in Training.

Here I will chronicle sore muscles, blisters and hopefully progress.

Thanks Dre!